Wu Pang Jin

Today we interview the recently-attached, immensely talented, much-loved Jim Wu! Ever the academic, it’s tough to find some free time but ever the gentleman, Jim willingly obliges to answer some questions which I have conjured out of my flights of fancy (along with some by popular demand of the zone of course)! Happy reading ZPH-ians!

Mark: Your first sem cell leading!! What has it been like for you? Tell us the things that you found the hardest to cope with and the things you love most about the responsibility!

Jim: Hardest? Spending time with my cellies. I’m a very busy man when it comes to my studies. I put a lot of priorities in it, thus, quite difficult to juggle between those two. It’s like, whenever I have free time, I’ll study or try to finish my assignments. That’s what you become when you were a total nerd for a year and a half.
Things that I love? Delegating of course. Calling my core and telling them what to do. The best part is that they are so willing and they always say “yes”. It makes cell leading so much more easy. A huge thanks to my core.

Mark: Delegation is important you know Jim…it’s a codeword for ‘legalised sabo-ing’ by the way! Certainly has been an awesome sight seeing you in action as a cell leader! Have you been blessed by the role?

Jim: Definitely!! I’ve learnt a lot from my cellies. The best part is that when you see your cell members grow and you see the potential in them that will bring them to even greater heights in their life achievements.

Mark: Even the Master learns from his students =). Has your vision for your cell been achieved this sem?

Jim: Well, honestly, I can say, half of it only, but the more important thing is that I see growth in my cell whether the cell vision is achieved completely or not.

Mark: Sem’s not over yet!! So it can still be achieved!! And how would you encourage others to step forward to fill this role in the future?

Jim: Just do it!! You might think that you are not up for it but you’ll never know how awesome and wonderful it is to serve as a cell leader. Yes, it might be scary and stressful at times but the reward that you receive far outweighs the “sufferings”.

Mark: Who is the best cook in your cell? Don’t be afraid to say yourself HAHA!

Jim: I gotta say it’s Soon Eng! Just give him meat, and he can surprise you.

Mark: Soon Eng eh… I gotta get his number .. or pay him a surprise dinner visit soon… aside from the cooks, who is the life of the party in your cell??

Jim: Haha, the Singaporean girls -> Deborah, Weiping and Ansley, because they are the only girls in my cell...hahaaha.

Mark: So, some same old same old incoming… What is the first thing you wanna ask God when you see him?

Jim: Hm…never really thought of it though. I don’t really have any questions for Him at the moment. Well, I guess when I get to meet Him, I might even skip the part of asking questions and go straight to worship!!

Mark: I’ve heard that you play like…. MANY musical instruments (Talk about market value, Li Jim you lucky girl!) which exactly are the instruments you are able to play?

Jim: Haha, many people had asked me this before. Well, there are many but if you asked me which instruments that I can really play, I gotta say it is the electone(organ), bass guitar, acoustic guitar, DRUMS!!, Chinese flute(dizi), recorder….yea. That’s all I think.

Mark: Is there an instrument you really wish to learn that you don’t know how to play yet?

Jim: The PIANO!! Seriously!! Not joking!! I want to be like Jim Brickman, hehe, no pun intended.

Mark: Mr Wu Pang JIN, you know it’s coming man…. and I’m sure everyone whose been reading has been waiting for this! WHERE and HOW did you ask Li JIM to be your girlfriend?

Jim: By the way, my name is spelled “pHang”, pronounced as “pang”, like the word “punk”.
Oh man, so many people asked me this. Haha, okies. Mat Bay, and it was during sunset. Er..how? I just asked directly. Straight to the point.

Mark: A man’s man eh? What do you think is Li Jim’s BEST physical attribute?? Don’t be SHY! No LYING!

Jim: HER EYES!!!

Mark: Eyes eh... her big round puppy eyes sure got you! What do you think is her best NON-physical attribute?

Jim: Her service, her habit of always wanting to bless people, her sacrificial character.

Mark: Wow. Looks like you scored man... What do you think Li JIM likes best about you?

Jim: Hm…a lot of stuff but I guess the mains ones must be my honesty and me being open to her, and also me being a very nice MQBF(M**** Q**** Boy Friend , don’t worry, it’s not a swear word) !! HAHa..

Mark: ?!? Alright everyone, you will have to ask Jim what MQ means yourselves! Jim, Is she your first girlfriend?

Jim: Yups!!

Mark: First-timer eh… that’s good! I’ve heard it’s Li Jim’s first time too if my info is right? Talk about a fairytale love story haha! So, is she the prettiest girl you ever laid eyes on?

Jim: In my eyes, YES SHE IS!! I can’t stop looking at her..haha.

OLJ/Li Jim must be crying tears of joy after reading this..

And that’s all for our interview with Mr. Jim Wu folks! Hope you enjoyed his honest (we hope) answers! Stay tuned for the next cell leader interview!! Who is it going to be me? Find out soon and in the meantime you’re most welcome to contact me (Mark) for questions to ask! God Bless!


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Baptism - A Testimony from Vera Lee

For those who could not attend last Sunday's Baptism ceremony, you must understand that you missed something so great! 16 Baptism candidates, 11 from UWA zone! We cannot replicate the atmosphere nor how the sun broke through the gloomy clouds but we can bring back a little something special from that day. Sharings from our very own zone! Stay tuned for a 3 part special on Baptism Sunday, First up - Vera Lee!

As some of you know, I’ve been a catholic since I was about 11 years old, but I never truly understood what God was all about. However, it was only until just about two years back where I experienced God so so personally. And that really changed my life. I’ve come up with a poem to share this wonderful journey so here goes!

It was that very fateful night
Which put me in a terrible plight
9 examinations with 2 weeks to go
I broke down I gave up, I hit a new low
I ran to my room, distraught and hopeless
I needed God, to fill my emptiness.
I knelt down and told God I needed some help
I called, he answered, my heart he felt
There and then peace filled my heart
I went back to my books and I felt smart
The Lord came to my rescue when I was defeated
Hope and confidence he gave when I pleaded.
This is my God, who always provides
Especially His love with no clause to abide.

At times horrible voices pollute my mind
You’re ugly, unworthy, so go hide behind.
The enemy knows my weakness and makes me blind
Nothing good about me am I able to find
But the Lord is my rescuer, my fortress, my king
He saves me from lies that the enemy brings
He opens my eyes to the things unseen
He tells me I’m beautiful despite what I think.

Many things in life I regret having done
But God always gives me a second chance
This is our God who constantly forgives
His unending love for me I truly believe
Indeed amazing grace saved a wretch like me
I was lost and blind but now I see.

I thank God for everything that He has done
He is my shepherd I shall not want
His glory now fills my universe
His light makes my life’s darkness fully disperse
His presence brings peace into my heart
His love accepts me no matter what.
It’s by His stripes that I am saved
With Him will I always be amazed
In Him I know my future’s secure
Despite any endeavors I’ll have to endure
Today I declare that He is my God
And with Him forever will I follow and walk.


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The Exclusive Interview - Max Ting!

After a brief housemate to housemate wrestle because one of us left the dishes out last night. *pant* We get to sit down and ask the tall bean of our zone, my housemate, some questions! Enjoy!

So Max, what's it like being UWA zone's tallest Zone Sup??
*pants* Well to be honest, it’s quite nice to have people look up to me literally, but not so nice that I have to look down on almost everyone … I mean … it hurts my neck u know?! :p

Right … as if that’s a big problem! How’s the air up there?
If the air down there makes you look like … YOU, I’m pretty sure the air up here is better.

Ouch … Do u poke fun at the other two shorties???
Is that how you talk to your leaders’ BOY?! I will show you some manners later on. *cracks knuckles*

I think there is a constant barrage of teases amongst the zone sups, helps keep us on our toes, but I don’t think the issue of height really comes up much. I would like to think we prefer to fight it out with our wits instead, but in reality I think we just have a lot of fun together.

Does Peter or Josh get teased more?
Definitely Josh, his constantly falling into the “you-asked-for-it” syndrome! Plus he has a wonderful gf who always needs him to bail her out of trouble & he bites the bullet for her each time so what can you say? What a man!

If Josh Lim is the zone's saboteur in chief, you must be a close push for second.... any plans to dethrone him?
What for? I get to do all I want and he gets the blame, sounds like a little piece of heaven to me!

What is the biggest sabo you could ever pull on Josh?
Fake a break up letter from Letitia, burn his clothes, spray paint his car, finally get him into the duck pond, msg Letitia with his phone with a “wrong” message to another girl, tie him up and rub chilli over his face … hmmm … you can tell I have thought this through huh? Hah Grow eyes on the back of your head Josh, a storm’s coming!

Same same old, if Pete and Josh were drowning... WHO would you save???
Oh this is a real dilemma, I mean after BOTH of them have happily announced they would let me die, what can you do?!! I could (1) let them both drown and laugh my head silly OR (2) give my life to save the both of them and let them live with the guilt for the rest of their lives. But I know these guys too well … there will be NO GUILT. So if it came down to it, I think Peter because a girl out there hasn’t been blessed with his love yet, and I can’t rob that girl from that joy. That’s right Josh, the truth will set you free!

Do you think Jacq is the hottest babe in ZPH?
(within 2 nanoseconds), Y-E-S!!!!!

Mark, you got a real deathwish you know that? All I can say is, you want to get together with someone who would brighten your day when you see her, especially (after married) waking up in bed. If not … seriously, you’re in trouble!

And dude, if she reads this … you’re dead man. hah

Whoops, better switch questions then. Wedding bells ringing... WHEN WHEN??
ahhh… this question. The answer ain’t coming easily for any of you reading, you have to earn it. But what I CAN say is … earlier than Josh so go and read his post first :p

Who is the most 'steady' cell leader in ZPH in your opinion?
Well that would be Jacquelyn of course … since me & her are going “steady”? HAHA But seriously, to be able to organize, lead, counsel members AND serve in their various other ministries? All our brilliant 10 Cell Leaders ARE ALL steady. All have their different strengths so I really can’t pick a head runner.

IP Man VS Iron Man??
As in a fight? IP man is cool and all … but I highly doubt Wing Chun could do anything to a few tons of heavy metal!

Which would you choose?
Hmm .. IP man is noble, moral and has super OP (Overpower) fighting skills. Iron Man appears to the general public as not moral and noble BUT he actually is, and is super brilliant (like 10 times more than Henry), super charming (10 times more than Francis) and what’s more is SUPER RICH (1000000000000 times more than Vera!). All this plus his OP suit + computer … no brainer. IRON MAN … I WANT I WANT I WANT I WANT *drools*

What excites you most about serving in ZPH??
(1) I am part of building something great!! (2) I am part of the life journey of each member! (3) It’s FUN doing what I do in serving the Lord!! Especially when it means calling Lijin on Friday to tell her that she’s doing Tithes & Offering … ahh small joys … small joys :p

What is the biggest advice you can give about serving in ZPH for potential leaders stepping up?
Serving as a leader, especially cell leadership will be the most rewarding experience you can ever receive! I will bet my last dollar on that! HOWEVER, being a leader will mean you will be stretched, you will be pushed, but only because it is getting the best out of you, and in turn making a better you SO THAT you can receive the greater blessings in life. Not for the faint hearted!

What is the biggest question you wanna ask God?
Why is my best friend so ugly but can get such a beautiful girlfriend?!? It defiles logic man

Only because God is good and He has great plans to prosper us! Claim it! Well we have come to the end of another awesome interview. The Zone Sups are done HOWEVER … we will be starting to interview your Cell Leaders from here on! And first up is …. JIM WU!! So if you have any questions for Jim, just post them on the chatbox and we will include the good ones! Be blessed!


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A Devotion - All Day Long

"Lead me by your truth and teach me, for you are the God who saves me. All day long I put my hope in you." Psalm 25:5

Some people are morning people. They awake refreshed, renewed, and ready to meet the day, but by evening, the enthusiasm and energy begin to wear down. Others take a little longer to get going, but when the rest of their family and friends are ready to call it a day, they are hitting their stride, eager for more. But both kinds of people have to make it through the day—and do it well.

The middle of the day can be the hardest time for both.

Among the early risers are those who have developed the discipline of a quiet time of devotional reading, meditation, and prayer before they face the challenges of the day. There is much to commend this approach—but not if you already have difficulty getting out of bed in time for work! The evening people can just as easily reserve time during the lunch hour or before they retire for the night to engage in specific spiritual exercises.

George Herbert, the sixteenth-century Anglican pastor and poet, gave some of the best advice. He wrote,
"Sum up at night what thou hast done by day. And in the morning what thou hast to do, Dress and undress thy soul"

The idea of dressing and undressing the soul, just as we dress and undress the body, has special appeal because it points to the fact that the whole day needs to be lived in the light and power of our relationship with the Lord. This requires both preparation and evaluation. The day will present many and varied challenges and opportunities for which we need to be prepared and about which we need to be concerned.

Perhaps David said it best—”All day long I put my hope in you” (Ps. 25:5). He stated no preference for morning devotion or evening reflection, but his commitment to daily communion with the Lord and concentration on him probably required both.

Spiritual preparation and evaluation should make spiritual concentration easier during the day. Spiritual concentration is a matter of putting our trust in the Lord “all day long.” Should it be objected that the busy surgeon can’t be thinking of the Lord when he is taking out a tumor or that a truck driver can’t be praying when he’s driving a huge eighteen-wheeler down the freeway at sixty-five miles per hour, the objection would, of course, stand. However, it is possible to have an awareness of the Lord, and an inner sense of reliance on him, while doing these tasks.

If all men, including truck drivers and surgeons, start their day with a conscious waiting on the Lord, and they bear in mind that they will talk with the Lord about it at day’s end, they will be aware of living before the Lord “all day long.” Should crisis hit, their instincts will turn them promptly to the Lord.

And at the end of the day, when the patient is sewn up or the truck is parked, they’ll hear the Lord saying, ”Well done.”

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Confessions of A Chairman

No … not the expensive suit (and no doubt rich) CEO chairman, but the (not so rich) person who goes up after worship in service… that chairman!

Today I want to use this opportunity to let you into the mind of a chairperson, to have a glimpse of what goes through our minds when we are up there, doing what we do.

It’s all about confidence …

Firstly, you must know that confidence is the greatest key for public speaking. It truly rises and falls on this account alone. And confidence is built upon experience, and experience is basically failing a lot of times and remembering what NOT to do up stage!

But really … we are scared (at least for me!)

But don’t mistake confidence having a lack of fear. There is always fear. Fear that I would forget something, fear that I would mispronounce something, fear that my jokes aren’t funny, fear that I’m boring or just plain fear that I wouldn’t do a great job.

Let me share 2 things that get me scared.

1. When there’s last min changes especially the ones just before sending me up!

2. When no one laughs or when people start looking down!

But you know what? Just have fun!

Took me a long time to realize this, but when God calls you into ministry, you will always find joy in doing it … which I have in … “educating” others about certain people. Heh

But be careful on making enemies

Never never never let someone know they are the topic of your chairing, they will find means to get back at you! And to certain people in the PA and Projection teams … TRAITORS!!! You know who you are! BEWARE … *growl*

Tricks of the trade

If you are ever considering chairing or if you want to do better with public speaking, here’s 3 advice (that have been told to me) and now I pass them down to you. So listen young Palawan …

1. Believe in what you share

If you don’t, why & how would others believe you?

2. Be enthusiastic about what you share

If you are truly enthusiastic , people will be too.

3. Monkey see, monkey do

By far the greatest advice I have ever gotten. The audience will mimic the speaker, if something happens and you show that you’re embarrass, people will feel embarrassed for you. In contrast, if you take it casually and laugh it off, people will see the funny side of it and will laugh with you!

But not all the tricks of course :)

There is more of course to chairing, especially what goes through our minds, but this post is long enough and hey … we can’t give you all the aces can we? But I hope you enjoyed this post!!

As much as I enjoy serving the Lord in chairing service for you all, I am now on a vengeance path to right the wrong that has been done to me! Beware you traitors! A storm is coming!!!

~ Max ~

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