A Christmas Invitation :-)

Hi guys and gals who are still in Perth.
On Christmas day a group of people from Zion are going caroling at Bentley Park nursing home for the oldies. People are meeting at my house (54 Bywater Way Wilson) at 11:30am then heading over to the nursing home with Santa hats, carol sheets and pressies in hand. We did the same thing last year and the oldies were really blessed to have visitors on a day that can be very lonely for people who don't have family to visit. All are welcome to join us and really get in the spirit of Christmas by focussing on others and not ourselves. Make sure you have lunch before coming and remember it's byo lovely singing voice :-) If you would like to find out more or RSVP to come then contact me on 0432 644 902.
Hope everyone has a blessed Christmas and is reminded of our Saviors love for us and all who are still lost.
Much love,

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