Pain Schmain?? --think again--

kids, do not do this at home. also not for the faint-hearted.
before i start, do this: bite on ur tongue real hard till it actually hurts! don't stop till it actually hurts.

ok, now before i get sent to crazy people paradise, stop! stop biting ur tongue!!

as we've heard this before over and over again, pain is good for u, no?

let me tell u a story. once again not for the faint-hearted.

once a upon a time in a far far away land called fairyway, there live this girl who ain't very wise. so she prayed to God for wisdom as said in James 1:5-6 If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him. But when he asks, he must believe and not doubt, because he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. and God answered prayers, no? so the God of how much more, who gives us more than what we ask for, did. and ta-dah instead of 1, she got 4 wisdom teeth! but lo-and-behold, her very wise wisdom tooth grew horinzontally instead of the normal vertical way and it's hurting her. [wisdom hurts!] so instead of staying wise, she has to pulled em out.

the irony *siGh*

yada, yada [i'm out of stupid ideas] yea, not very creative now that my wisdom is 50% gone.

so anyways, the point is when i got home, i felt like napping. so i did. mind u, my whole right face was numb due to multiple shots of LA. so i napped while biting on the gauze to apply pressure on my gums hence reduce the bleeding.

yes, yes..u know what happened. when i woke up, i thought my mouth felt funny and was more bloody than before. strange, but i ignored it. i changed my gauze and continued to bite on it. hence after a long while right before service, after being very frustrated with the constant bleeding which never seemed to slow down one bit, i asked jeremy to check my gums if they were still bleeding to only realise that all this while i've been biting on my tongue hard instead of the gauze! *owwww-- sobx* i still feel the pain~

but because it was numb, i couldn't feel the pain. so yes, tell urself pain is good for me! pain is good for me! pain is good for me!

so hey ever wonder why ur constantly bleeding but never felt pain in ur life? even when u do wrong, u no longer feel guilt. sinning or bad habits becomes so natural to u u dont even struggle anymore. u bleed urself dry and u wonder where's that tugging gone to.

check! maybe u've become numb. and you cant feel His Spirit anymore. have u been constantly injecting urself with anesthetic to somehow close one eye? just for that lil while so u dont feel pain.


let's constantly pray and check ourselves daily that we will always be sensitive to His Spirit so we don't bleed ourselves dry and become bloodless-Christians [if there's ever such a thing] we should be blood-y Christians in a not rude way, no?

anyways, just a thought!
PS: be bloody!!

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