Day 12 - Act Immediately, Act Radically
We (Well, the majority of us that meet up on Saturday mornings) have agreed that God has put us here on this Earth to master the human experience and not just to have a spiritual experience (Talk to any of your friendly Cell Leaders for a more detailed explanation). =) So, it is safe to say that the way we behave, the way we act, react, respond, the choices we make is really an outward expression of our internal experience. Life is lived from the inside out. Isn't it true? People tend to do whatever they 'feel' like doing. If they don't 'feel' it, they begin to reason in their mind that it is not worth doing.
That's why the game was/is/will always be all about influence. God has given us the power to choose (Duet 30) our own destiny, and Satan knows that. That is why, from the Garden of Eden up till today, Satan's tactics have not changed. He is here to influence the choices that we make, be it via media, the company we keep around us, money and yada yada. Something to think about. A wise friend of mine once told me: Whatever controls your choices controls your life. Whoever controls your life controls your destiny. =) (Okay, no side-tracking... Gosh I love this topic!)
On the other side of the ledger (Yes, I am an accountant), God does the exact same thing. To simply put, most of the things that happen in your life is designed so that you would come back to God or turn to him. Agree? Yes we do! God is also constantly trying to show us what choices we should make. Now, he does not impose his will on us, but he DOES know how to make us willing. =D We can read about Jonah on that one.
I have a little personal saying that I keep close to me that helps me guide, guard and govern the choices that I make: The word of God is sole source of faith and my absolute rule of conduct. This is my reality. We have been at those crossroads where we have to make choices, and being tossed between the easy way out or the hard way out. Now, I'm not saying that we should always take the hard way out simply because we are Christians. The easy way doesn't mean it's the wrong way. Flip-side, just because it's the hard way, doesn't mean it's the right way. But all that won't matter if we do not have a guide or something that tells/shows us what we should do, would it? So, we just resort to what we 'feel' we should do simply because... we 'feel' it. So if I ask "Can you explain the reasoning behind why you did that?" "Nope, I just 'felt' like it." .....
The bible was given to us as a standard for living and a guideline on how we can and should master this human experience. What I meant by my little saying above is this: If what I feel is right and the bible says it's wrong, then the bible is right and my feelings are wrong. =) I know I'm not perfect, and I'm sure I'll make mistakes, and that's all the more reasons why I have to put my trust in someone greater to guide, guard and govern my life.
So how does this whole sharing relate to Acting Immediately and Acting Radically (The reading today)? Easy, I'm saying that acting immediately and acting radically won't matter if you do not know what/how you should act. And the only way you can EVER act immediately and radically is when you get the word inside of you and at that crossroad, you know exactly which choice will bring the most glory to God. Be blessed!
Have an outstanding day.