Day 5: Love GOD with ALL your MIND and STRENGTH

Don’t you think our God is so amazing? The way He relates to each of us is so individual and personal. The words that He has given us are so edifying and meaningful. Let’s take what we have read over and over on these few days:
'Love the LORD your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind and all your strength.'

First of all, we feel the love (HEART). Then, the desire and passion (SOUL) drive to decision and focus on God’s will which lead our thoughts (MIND) to stay in tune with God’s thoughts and actions (STRENGTH) after that to do what God wants us to do.

First thought came to my mind is 'Wow, what a perfect order!!! '
Don’t you think that’s the way our God wants us to be: Heart first and then soul; mind; strength but not the other way round nor in any other order.

Our HEART is where we feel;
Our SOUL is where we decide;
Our MIND is where we think; and
Our STRENGTH is where our inner thoughts and feelings be translated physically to interact with the outer world.

I’m pretty sure Stan and Let had shared deeply to love God with ALL your HEART, ALL your SOUL. As well as what Peter and Max shared their thoughts: nothing is more important than relationship and the attraction of lesser things. They all are so inspiring and practical. Everything that we had read so far seems to be so easy to understand… ‘Oh yea, I know’ (does it sound familiar to you? Aren’t we always say this regardless we truly grasp the meaning)…
Yet, it is so difficult to do as there is so much in our lives to worry or distract or tempt us.
Hey, Cheers up!!!
Good news and hope to all of us as with God all things are possible. Therefore, no matter how hard the task or how terrible the circumstances can be, let’s persevere and hold on our faith unto God and He will pull us through. I really thank God for giving me a renewing mind to think from His perspective; to understand His words, the truth; to discern what is good and evil; as well as strength to practise His love on top of a heart to feel and a soul to decide. Although we still make mistakes at times, but I know that God still love us and what He wants is to see us try ALL of our best.

Some may ask ‘isn’t our mind that helps to decide?’ Perhaps you are right if it is applicable to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs (e.g. decide on what to eat or buy or study etc.) but when it comes to love, it is our soul drives to decision and mind leads to actions and then actions determine the conclusion (destiny). Nevertheless, regardless how the way He talks to you may be varied on what He does to me (the way He answer our prayers may be different too), but one thing that I am 100% sure is the love He has for you and me, all of us here, is the same.
Let’s practise together now ‘LOVE the LORD your God with ALL your HEART, ALL your SOUL, ALL your MIND, and ALL your STRENGTH’!

[Proverbs 3:5-6] Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall make your paths straight.


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