40 Days of Love ( Day 3)

Loving God with all your HEART

Today, i write to you as a fellow Christian, not as a cell leader or music director but as a human with weaknesses and still on this journey with God. I hope that this post will not teach you or give you tips on how to love. Rather, i hope it will inspire you to really think about this aspect of loving God with all your heart and to learn from our God that is love.

Your heart is where you feel.

I have had the privilege of spending my last 3 days with my dad who came here on a surprise visit. He claims that it was "Hari Raya" (a public holiday in Malaysia) and could not find tickets back to Kuching but i think it's because he misses me so dearly. Over the last few days, i have come to a conclusion that my dad loves me. He really does.

I know that he loves me but does he know that I love him? Speaking from a 'son' point of view, it can be hard to look my dad in the eye and tell him that i love him what more to tell him all my feelings and emotions. Well, at least to me it is.

Ever wonder why Jesus refers to God as God the father? I reckon that in many ways, God is just like a father, my dad. Yes, my dad is flawed in many ways and he's not perfect but i can see the nature of God the father through him. You see, God is just like your earthly dad. It's just that God is like times 10000000 more better in everything and much much more patient, perfect and forgiving than our earthly dads.

But it's the same thing with all dads, they love us and they want our love back in return. I cant remember the number times my dad has asked me 'How are you?' and 'How's life?' over the past 3 days and it's always the same when we're on the phone. He always wants to know how I'm doing and how i'm feeling. The same is with God, He wants to know how we are doing and more importantly he wants us to express affection towards him.

Both of them want to know the things that we go through and struggles in life and basically open up our hearts to them. Not just the normal, 'I'm fine dad.........i ate KFC today' or 'Hello God........cell was awesome!!' Even though God knows every little detail about you and your lifestyle, he wants you to tell him how you feel and love Him by pouring out your heart. I know my dad feels love (and sometimes worry) when i pour out my heart to him.

I belive that it shows a deeper connection and a higher relationship level when i can tell him how i'm feeling and the struggles i face. The same is with God, our father when we pray to him emotionally, not out of our head and knowledge but when we pray out our hearts and feelings to him. Even though we might struggle when it comes to opening up with our eathly dads, we have a heavenly dad that already knows what is going on with us but just wants our affection and love in return.

It's not wrong to talk to God when your sad or angry or down or madly in attracted with somebody you saw at SFAS. I believe that we're all made in His image and God has feelings as well, just as we do, it's just that he can handle it much better.

So really think about it and tell Him about yourself and how and what you are feeling RIGHT NOW. He's yearning for us love Him by sharing our most hidden feelings and emotions.

"I am your creator. You were in my care even before you were born." Isaiah 44:2


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