
eloelo fellow uwa-ians.. and curtin/murdoch peeps if u guys do pop by :)

how has the holidays been treating u guys??? :) i hope all of you have been having a good time of rest and ofcourse fun =P now now.. what better way to rest AND have fun AND stay connected with all the zion ppl? OR even get to know some ppl across the zones. heh.. yupyup i'm talking about cell group in SINGAPORE!!!

hehehe.. yes yes zph cell will be brought to the lil island of singapore.. n ur cell leader is none other than yours truly :) [aka AMA] haha.. nono dat aka part was just joking.. anyhow, don't we all wanna stay in tuned with what God and our home church has in stored for us? i'm super excited man :) really really can't wait..

i've already heard stories of how GOd is moving in our midst in terms of burdening people with the need for a zph cell in singapore and i can't tell you how excited i am about it.. i believe its gonna be as awesome as having cell back here too! :) [ok mayb even better cos our refreshments is gonna be AWESOME.. laksa, meepok etc :) ]

alrighty.. so details for the first cell..

11 Dec 09
7pm @ eunice's house
38 Lim Tua Tow Road
Serangoon MRT (nearest)
bring ur bible n notebook
contact Eunice +6596680632 or any other curtin/murdoch/uwa ppl dat u know :)

games: tbc
worship: jongoh
word: eunice
we'll go out for refreshments after k? :)

hehe. i'm super excited until i 4got to send out transport for tmr's svc. hahaha.. dat is just to show u how excited i am. haha.. so lets all be excited for it k? :) i believe God has sth installed for each and everyone of us dis summer! :)

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