India Mission

Hi guys and gals.
I hope you had a fantastic Christmas with family and friends and were reminded of the true meaning of Christmas as we celebrated the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ.
This is just a quick post to let you know about the ZPH mission trip to India that I will be a part of. There is a team of eleven people from the church who will all be travelling to India in early January next year. Most of the team will be flying into Delhi on the 2nd of January before catching an overnight train to Udaipur in the state of Rajasthan. We will be spending our time supporting a local missions group by doing devotions with the students of the Bible colleges, visiting orphanages and small village churches, visting the English schools and generally assisting and encouraging the local church workers. Some of our time will also be spent in the town of Navapur in the state of Maharashtra and the two week trip will finish on the 13th of January.
I will be flying to India on the 8th of January and returning to Perth on the 26th so will have the opportunity to remain in India and continue to support the local missionaries after most of the team have returned to Perth. I have no fixed plans for this extra time in India but I would love to visit the poorer areas, teach worship or guitar and preach in the village churches if given the opportunity.
It would be great if you support myself and the rest of the team by prayer for us both now while we are preparing and also while we are in India. Our prayer is that we will be a blessing to the local church and also as a team grow in our conviction to go wherever God calls us and do whatever He calls us to do. You could also pray for safety on the trip, both physically and spiritually (as India is a place with a rich spiritual history) and that we would walk in God's will as we participate in the trip and carry His light with us as we meet the locals. Being a part of this trip to India is both exciting and slightly scary so your prayer is really appreciated.
While we are gone I will try to post updates on the blog about the work we are doing and some stories about what is happening. You can also check out the church's missions blogspot at which will be updated every 2-3 days and already has some posts about our preparations for the trip.
For those of you who are overseas at the moment have a great New Year and CNY and we're looking forward to seeing you all back in Perth for another exciting year in the life of UWA zone. Don't forget to book your tickets back early so that you can be the bearer of God's light to all the new students during semester one orientation.
God bless,

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