Image Matters!

So after ALLLLL that anticipation and excitement, Image Matters finally arrived! What a spectacular turn out, albeit transport woes amongst others. Once again, Elizabeth Jolley LT was filled to its brim with such an enthusiastic crowd of Aunty Irene Low herself, Zion Praise Harvest members and guests! How privileged one is, to be part of such an event :)

Reflecting back on this special night, the first person that comes straight to my mind is none other than Mr. Timmy Yip, Zion’s very own star of the show. Thumbs up for his incredulous spontaneity, having stood confidently under the scrutiny of 500 odd, in a daring contrast of red shirt versus yellow tie, and of course, a belly that just had to accentuate the contrast. I vaguely remember the conclusions made about Tim’s image but one tip I recall picking up was that ties are to end at the level of belts, not above, not below. So working guys and future wives, keep that in mind!

Then came a session of questions and answers, which I trust was pretty enriching for many. From a crazy crowd of 500 over people, you would never have been able to imagine the variety of questions asked, some of which I have to say were pretty interesting. Examples:

What do you do if you fart during a meeting? Do you admit to being the culprit, or act as if it were someone else?

What do you think of the combination – socks and sandals?

You get my drift, LOL!

Nonetheless, this was the highlight of the night for me, and I sure speak for many. Doubts were finally clarified, including things like the correct way of sitting, exchange of business cards, and so forth. It amazes me how these things seem to be part and parcel of our daily lives, and thus we should technically know them pretty well, yet there seems to be a never-ending barrage of learning to do!

On a more serious note, here and beyond shall detail a dilemma that I have endeavored to solve for quite some time already:

If man looks at the outward appearance while God looks at the heart (1 Samuel 16:7), are we being of the world by placing this much emphasis on our image?

This dilemma stemmed from the mindset that when you surrender yourself to God, it involves following Him in his thoughts and ways. As such, placing a high value on the exterior and claiming image does matter, seems to contradict God’s affinity for the heart. However, from the short sharing Aunty Irene gave on Sunday at the UWA Live service, I finally managed to find a reasonable compromise between these two extremes. In short, BOTH IMAGE AND HEART MATTER.

It seems to be the general consensus that Christians are not the coolest bunch of people out there, and that saddens me. It is my wish that one day people will start to realize that being Christians does not mean you are in any way socially inferior, and that begins with us putting our efforts to represent God to our best of capabilities. After all, being Christian does NOT mean having to devoid ourselves of looking good, as long as it is not for self-benefits but for our beloved God.

Once again, what really matters is the motivation behind your actions, and needless to say, our God takes centre stage in this. If you had a heart after God but with a less ideal image in worldly terms, you still earn points in heaven, and you will always be beautiful in the eyes of God. SO if you really had to choose one to go with, I say go with the heart, DUH!

Alrighty, hope you enjoyed this little piece from me, presented to you directly from my heart. Take care, God bless and REJOICE for the weekend approaches.

xoxo, Vera

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