Join a Cell Group!

Hello, fellow UWAians of ZPH! One quick question before you continue reading this post.

Hasn’t Friday nights been awesome since the new semester began? You know what I’m talking about; oh, the usual hanging out with friends and meeting new people; listening to music that gets your feet tapping to the rhythm, and if you’re with a certain AMA, you’ll definitely get to listen to her sweet voice all night long. (Who would ever want to miss that, seriously). Of course, Asians being Asians, how can we miss out the most important part of the Friday Night Party, FOOOOOODDDD (an awful lots of it)!

Yes, I am talking about Passion cell groups held on every Friday! Can’t think of anywhere else to be on a Friday night (TGIF!)? Passion cell it is! Your date has just thrown an aeroplane on you on a Friday night? Come for cell!

Still not convinced about how awesome and passionate people in Passion are? (pun intended) Alright, let the testimony speak for itself.

A perfect Friday evening with God’s sons and daughters begins with gathering at a designated home,a time for ice-breaking, followed by praise and worship (jumpjump, clapclap, shoutshout to our Father!). After a round of announcement on the events happening in ZPH, the cell leader (in my case, the wonderful AMA! or ‘buff guy’ *) would then move on to the word of God!

On a particular Friday, awesome would be an understatement of what we have learned as we are armored with a phrase we should live by, ‘1 more verse for Jesus’ and a memory verse from the book of Joshua - Joshua 1:8 ‘Do not let this Book of Law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.’ (NIV)

Joshua 1:8 depicts on why it is important to read the Bible or the word of God constantly(!). Aside from God promising that we will be prosperous and successful, it is important to be equipped with God’s word, i.e. a salesman selling his products. It is also a reminder that the Bible is not of human wisdom but G-O-Dly wisdom, hence it is relevant to everyone and for any occasions, in any size or shape.

In order to draw a better picture of how the Bible is used in every and any context, we were divided into smaller groups and further discussion was made on a topic randomly picked by AMA. A fruitful discussion ensued in the groups itself, which were on worship, wisdom, obedience and love.

A few of the verses shared at the end of the group discussion were:
Worship – Psalms 99:5; Psalms 150, Hebrews 9:9, 1 Timothy 2:8, Exodus 20
Love – Matthew 22:39-40
Wisdom – Proverbs 4:12
Obedience – Genesis 22

I personally love going through discussions or just listening to the word of God because (as stated above), what we are listening to is not human’s wisdom but God’s. And the wonderful thing about His wisdom is that it rings so true and deep in our hearts, souls and minds, that if we allow ourselves to open up to it, it will instill in our hearts and change our lifestyle forever. How? By letting God into our heart and allowing the Holy Spirit to lead our life, for the old is gone and the new has come.

Think I am exaggerating? Experience it for yourself today!

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