A note from the Editors

*for information regarding Orientation events, please scroll down for the post below. Thank you!*

Hey loyal UWALive readers and new readers,

If you thought UWALive was on hiatus, you were right! Are we dead and gone, by no means!!! UWALive is going to be bigger and better with the addition of many talented, deep and yet humble writers who bring the extra to the extra-ordinary.

So, stay tuned for more heartwarming, tear jerking and of course laughter evoking testimonies and posts that the contributors hold personal to them and we invite you to know us as we get to know you.

I don’t want to give off any teasers/spoilers, youtube has too many of those as it is! What I will say is this, “I hope that you will be blessed and have fun reading the posts because we certainly have fun writing them”.

Semester 2 of 2010 has started! And so has the UWALive blog! Check back every other day for an update!

From your wacky editors

Have a comment, question or suggestion? Email us at uwalive@gmail.com!

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