Zion Food Fest!!!

Hey guys, how’s everyone doing? It’s like first week of school, and you’re probably busy adapting to school life after that month long holiday you had. All the best for your studies and your timetable as well. =)
Anyway, I hope you remember that Zion Food Fest is happening this Saturday on the 31st July! If you don’t know what this is about, continue reading on! Even if you do, you can read on about my personal interpretation. =P
We all know that the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach, hence what better way to spend quality time with one another than over a meal?
Basically, every semester, ZPH invites the most talented of talented people who can cook to set up a booth at the Zion Food Fest.

Think mamak stall style, in a sense that there’s loads of stalls on the day. You get to see loads of different stuff, ranging from

I remember my first Zion Food Fest, it was CRAZY!!!
I had to queue up for Josh Lim’s famous Kolo mee for like 10 minutes, but it was well worth the wait. For those not from Kuching, kolo mee is this awesome noodles that you definitely have to try whenever you visit the capital city of the state of Sarawak. The taste is indescribable, and you have got to taste the chilli. =)

Rachel also made her famous and delicious curry puff which had heaps of stuffing that made you wonder if you’re eating curry puff, or curry with a hint of puff!

The highlight is not just the food and fellowship. On that night, the organizers have gathered the talents of ZPH to perform for us. Music was awesome, and everyone was just mesmerized by it. The host even organized some games so the entire crowd could participate!
Sounds exciting? It is! So book this Friday up, bring cash (we don’t have etpost!) & invite your friends for a night to be remembered! Here are the details!

Sat 31 July 2010
6:00 pm – 9:30 pm
Queens Park Recreation Centre
Centre Street, Queens Park
$10 ($5 entry fee & $5 coupons)
For more details, speak to your cell leaders or you can contact Samuel Tan @ 0423 513 932
I’ll see you there, and we’ll more talk over good food. =)
God bless!

Written by blog writer, 

Johnson Tan

Have a comment, question or suggestion? Email us at uwalive@gmail.com!

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