Good Lookin` People

Alright! All mah homies, crownies and minions that are under my cell group, we're having cell TONIGHT at Yao Long's house. If you don't know where that is, you are exempted from coming to cell group. SIF! If you don't know where that is, ask, knock and seek to any of the names in BOLD on the list. It's the big big house on Caporn St, Crawley 6009 Perth WA.

Tonight's cell group will be a time of nourishing, as we've been having our fun times ever since exams ended and have yet to have a normal proper cell group. I would like to encourage you to be there to welcome a few people:

Mr. Jeremy Tan on the guitar for Worship,
Mr. Leonel Cheong with his grooves on icebreaker,
Ms. Eunice Teo, Ms. Allison Goh, Mr. Joshua Lau and Mr. Stanley Bong with their magical touch on refreshments.

(For those of you who go 'Hah? I wasn't told.. Well, you're being told right now!) THAT'S the way Joshua Lim Hui How runs his cell group~~~~


Of course, as an accountant, time is money is time. So cell will START at 6:30pm SHARP. Latecomers WILL be penalized to do either worship/icebreakers/refreshment/word/vision sharing/quiet time sharing/prayer/dance/drama and a whole lot more. As you can see, there are BIG plans for this cell group, so youz allz betterz comez preparedz!

Spread the word to those unfortunate people in my cell group..

Look forward to it and be very... very... excited. hehe!


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