Tingkebelle's Cell

Hey guys!!!

So our theme for tomorrow is fairies since everyone always teases me about my surname!! Hah!! No no ... just kidding ... though I really wish that could happen, though I doubt none of us would be able to take each other seriously ;p


For those in Max Ting's awesome cell tmw, here are the details!!

Place: Yaushu's (Monash Ave)
Time: 7pm
Attire: Appropriate

What YOU bring
- Bible (Your Sword!)
- Notebook (iPhones are welcomed, blackberries should go become blue)
- Yourself
- Your brain (Yes Henry, don't forget this time k?)

What to expect
- Games
- Worship
- Short (in contrast to my height) Edi
- Heck lot of F-U-N

So there it is! I see u guys at Yaushu's tmw yeah!? If you have any problems (transport, was never told, dunno where the house is, whose max?! .. etc .. ) You can call/drop me a text at 0421924905 OR call your previous cell leader and drop your burden on THEM (highly recommended by the way *grin*)

Peace out

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