Summer Cells!

Hi guys and gals.

Here are the long awaited Cell lists for the Summer break (starting this Friday 27th Nov). Your zone sups have been working on the cell lists for next year but unfortunately we are unable to release them yet BUT it is highly likely that you will find yourself in a cell with people from your Summer Cell.

In other news Josh and myself would like to welcome mr Max Ting as a new zone sup for UWA!!! And this summer there will be two cell groups, one led by Max and the other led by Josh Lim (who always talks about how much he misses cell leading).

Without any further ado may I present the lists...

If you can't find your name on the list please contact me (Peter) on 0432 644 902 or talk to your previous cell leader. We were having a lot of fun cutting and pasting names and didn't mean to cut you out :-(

God bless,


NB. Aaaarrggh. Just realised that I've left off some people who finished their studies this year and are going back home for good :-( Just follow your previous cell leader ok?

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