aussie day :)

eloelo :) as promised, details for aussie day, dis tuesday =P

we'll start ard 11am. we'll haf a picnic first @ matbay :) followed by some time to just chill and get to know each other better. and dinner will be bbq @ caporn st hsehold :) we'll also try to catch d fireworks after that along mat bay :D

come dressed casually and comfortably. no heels or dresses or suits.. and just just just incase, be prepared to get wet :)

kk so for details in short,

date: 26 Jan
day: tuesday
time: 11am
venue: mat bay
dressing: casual
things to bring: $10 for food :) (tentative. might be abit more. see what kind of food is prepared)
what to expect??? time of fun and games, fellowship and getting to know each other and maybe, just maybe.. a time of throwing josh n max into mat bay :D

so so so.. invite ur frens, siblings, cousins, freshies, etc.. and pls rsvp to ur summer cell leaders... NOW!!! :) (so that we can settle food etc)

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