Nursing home carolling

On Christmas Day a group on Zionites met at my house at about 11:30am to prepare for an afternoon of carolling at the Bentley Park nursing home. About 15 people decided to give up some of their day to bring some joy to the residents of the nursing home who weren't able to visit family or friends at Christmas but instead stayed at Bentley Park. After the carol sheets were passed out Genesis and the team started selecting the favourite songs and we had a great time practicing and getting ready to head over to the nursing home.

There was a great mixed group of African, Asian and Caucasian brothers and sisters (with some amazing singing talent) but we decided that a guitar by itself wasn't enough accompaniment so we made some egg-shakers from containers of rice. Pia had prepared individual gifts for around 60 residents who were expected to remain at the nursing home on Christmas day and had also come ready with a large package of chocolates for the staff who were working. Each year the staff provide a big cooked Christmas lunch for the residents (with pre-mashed vegetables of course) and last year we had entertained them with around 10 Christmas carols before they headed into the dining room for lunch. This year we decided that we would sing to them after lunch so we headed over the Bentley Park at 1pm.

On arrival we found out that most of the residents have a nap after lunch and had already gone to their individual rooms to rest. But this wasn't going to be enough to curb the carollers enthusiasm. We gathered the remaining residents and sang a few carols to them before setting out on an expedition through the centre. Bentley Park has 5 floors so we started at the top floor and one of the staff members went from room to room checking in on the residents and asking if they would like to hear some carols. The carollers stood in small groups outside the doors enthusiastically singing before meeting each of the residents and offering our gifts. Two and a half hours later we had visited all 5 floors, handed out every one of the 60 gifts, brought some joy into the life of some oldies and had a great time doing it! Next year we plan to do the same thing again so if you are in Perth please join us :-)

(photo taken after 2.5 hrs of carolling- look at all the smiles)

Looking forward to seeing you all back in Perth soon.
God bless,


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