India mission update from Ziech (2)

The mission continues!

There we were. Saying goodbye to all the kids in the childrens home we had come to care for so much over the last few days. Each child amazingly unique in the Lords eyes and each child so beautiful. unfortunately all good things had to come to an end... and as we were getting ready to go... the kids began to hold on saying "leave tomorrow ... leave tomorrow."

The time had come to leave and what a journey ahead. We would travel to Surat by car, then to Delhi by overnight train which ended up taking 17 hours instead of 14, but all the same the team had a great time sleeping, eating, playing cards and worshipping the Lord (competing against the group in the next set of bunks who were singing songs to Krishna). I tell you what... worship really changes the spiritual environment.

From there we spent half a day in Delhi (what a confusion! more to come on this later), before flying back to Singapore for our further onward departures to Perth and elsewhere.

God was so good to us as a team. There are so many great stories to share, and I'm sure others will share soon, but one of the things that really stood out to me was how the Lord brought the team together and the love that really was present in the team. There we were in a foreign land, and our distance from the familiar only brought us closer as a family in the Love of Christ.

What a great experience. An amazing time in India. May I encourage you to join us for the next missions trip in 2010.

Is God calling you to reach the unreached? Yes. So prepare, equip and go!

God's Love is waiting to be shared.

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