
Announcements! Hot from the Oven from Zion!

Hi Hi boys and girls!!! So this is a new segment on this blog. As you know from the title… yea… its no other than hot news and events going on in Zion Praise Harvest! YAY!!!!

So let’s get down to business!


Date : 1 August 2009 (Saturday)

Time : 4.20pm for 4.30pm start

Venue : Murdoch Lecture Theatre, UWA (Arts Building near Reid Library)

It’s gonna be full of excitement happening! From drama to choir to dance! So come thrilled for all these but ultimately for GOD!!

  1. Maximum Impact Simulcast 2009

Date : 29 August 2009 (Saturday)

Time : 8.00am for 9.00 pm Registration

: 9.00am to 5.00pm Simulcast

Venue : Elizabeth Jolley Lecture Theatre, Curtin University of Technology

Cost by 16 August : 30 (Student), 60 (Standard)

Normal Cost : 60 (Student), 100 (Standard)

Contact : Arthur SUDJANA 0412 058 868

Come and be impacted by speakers that have great leadership skills!

  1. Search For A Star Auditions 2009

Date : 23 August 2009 (Saturday) and 30 August 2009 (Sunday)

Contact : Jerry Tan 0433 445 779

Show us what you have and BLOW US AWAY!

  1. Passion Combine Cell Semester 2 2009

Date : 7 August 2009 (Friday)

Time : TBC

Venue : TBC

Do encourage your friends to join and be involved in a cell!! Life would be SO different with people who love GOD by your side!

That's all for now folks!! Just tune in every week to see if there is any new news and new events going on in Zion Praise Harvest!

With much Love from Him and me!


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