Day 3 Hillsongs

Hey guys, how's it going? Hopefully Perth is not as cold and wet as Sydney. Although the weather has not been on our side, it's been an awesome 4 days for me in Sydney so far. The sound of Chris and Vips snoring and just watching Chris and Leo 'fish' at the conference. It's really hardcore every single day. We have to wake up as early as 6.30am to bathe and get ready. Although it only starts at 9am, there's only like 15 minutes between each session till we get back around 9.30pm. Just been surviving on God's strength from day to day.

Anyway, i just want to share some of my thoughts and experiences so far at Hillsongs Conference 2009. If i can sum it all up in one word, it would be OVERWHELMING! Phew, everything from the videos, sound, music, the preaching and the fellowship. There are so many things that i really want to share and pass on to you guys but Eunice has graced me with 30 minutes on her computer. HOHOHO.

This is what i learned from day 3......

Embrace the PAIN. That's right it is 'pain' that i just typed out. Craig G. shared about pain in our lives, especially as leaders and all of us need to embrace the necessary pain to live the life he has called us to. In 2 Corinthians 11:23-27, Paul talks about the pain and suffering he has been through, from being whiped 39 times on 5 seperate occasions to having nothing to eat but yet in the light of all his suffering and pain, it was nothing compared to his heart and passion he had for the church. In verse 28, he says 'besides the other things' ie, on top of all the suffering he has been through, it is nothing compared to his concern for the church and the pain he has suffered for the body of Christ.

Now say, "pain is my friend"!

Other than that, God wants to increase our threshold of pain of pruning.
John 15 talks about God being the gardener that prunes and shapes us. And i'm sure pruning isn't a very enjoyable thing to experience but it shows that God has a greater plan for you! Sometimes you have to move backwards before you can move forward. Don't be afraid if at first you do not see the fruits from you labour and toil and pruning and pain. God doesn't want you to blame yourself when you don't see your ministry or cell group growing because He doesnt want you to take credit for the increase and growth. God does something in you before He does something through you. So accept the pain that comes with the territory of new growth and moulding!

That's pretty much my summary of the morning session with Craig G. I hope that this will keep you guys excited to hear more about this interesting topic. Hehehe

Anyway, on a side note, I really want to share a little bit on what i've learnt on the whole. I'll try to make it as simple as possible. Coming to this conference as a cell leader and a 'seasoned Christian' i've come to a fact that what I know about God so far in my 23 years is almost close to nothing. Just when you think you know Him, He never ceases to come and blow my mind, it's just really overwhelming to experience God with a few thousand other believers. The sound of worship is scary and makes my hair literally stand up. Every sermon i hear, every testimony shared never fails to bring me to tears. It's been a very personal experience for me and i believe, one that i will never forget. God is just awesome, it's something that no words or pictures or videos can explain. He is Yahweh, a personal God, love that sacrificed for us

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