Sweden's pride and joy

Greetings Friends,

Bacon Flu ( the term was coined by Ong Li Jin a few days ago at an undisclosed location, genius i must say), the epidemic that is taking us by storm seems rather serious and scary so first of all i pray that most of us will be protected and kept healthy.

Anyways, this is definitely a blog worthy post. As scheduled, thursday is the planned shopping trip to IKEA and wherever else. The grape vine has told me that most freshies are pretty keen to go to ikea so we are expecting some what of a massive number of them.

That means, we need to start mobilizing our cars and transport people. Before we get into that however, these are the details for tomorrow.

Pick Up Time:1700hrs onwards
Meet up Time:1800hrs.
Location: Ikea Food court.

The plan is as such, we will meet at aforementioned location and have a light dinner. During this period, it would be our best opportunity to talk to the freshies, get connected to them more etc etc. After that, groups of maybe 4 or 5 can walk around ikea together to shop for those things that newly students need or if there is nothing they need, proceed to the bottom floor to mess around with the trolley things. Just joking.

Anyways, back to transport. For cell leaders, please get back to Althea or myself by tonight the number of your members who are going as well as your Car people. For those of you who have invited freshies, please get back to Althea or myself by tonight as well with their addresses and preferably their phone numbers as well.
For drivers, Either Isaiah, Althea or I will contact you latest by Thursday afternoon to inform you of you pick ups. Remember, these assets are very important to us so your job of transporting the assets is of utmost importance.

Friends, the time is now (cue patriotic music),it is time to put one foot forward, it is time to show the world( maybe just the international community) what they are missing out on,it is time to bring in the harvest.

It may also be time to start planning your timetable for next semester if you have not already done so and perhaps a realistic study plan.
Anyways, all jokes and seriousness aside, i do hope everyone is having fun and not stressing or being too tired out. I mean for crying out loud, its our last week of Holidays.

God Bless all,

PS: Was anyone awake at 6am this morning, it was really really, ridunculously freezingly, freakishly, at absurd levels, insanely Cold.

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