Orientation Semester 2 2009 =D

Hey guys, here's the breakdown of the events that are up and coming during this time of Orientation. Come and join us in any of the events as we welcome in the freshmen =)

Monday 13 July

International orientation

Meet the freshmen during lunch in Trinity. - Meet at Yau Shu's house at 11:15 - Ian and Yau Shu

Coffee @ Terrazza 8pm- Rachel Chia

Tuesday 14 July


(Confirm numbers for late night shopping trip to facilitate transport arrangements within cells.)

Wednesday 15 July

Enrolment & OLCR


Thursday 16 July

Late Night Shopping (Westfield Innaloo/Ikea) - Aletheia, & Jeremy Tan

Friday 17 July

UWA Fremantle Trip

Steamboat Night (at several houses- maybe 2 cells combine) – Winter Cell leaders

Saturday 18th July

Prayer meeting @ 1130 Venue TBC

UWA Service at Murdoch Lecture theatre

Sunday 19th July


Tennis - Isaiah

Soccer -Michael

Badminton -Aldrin & Chu Xuan(Andrew)

First Week of Studies

Tues 21 July

Movie Night - Johnson & Khang Wee (Venues and movie choices are flexible)

Friday 24th July

Passion on Ice - Ice Skating @ Perth Ice Arena (arrangements by Cell leaders)

Saturday 25th July

UWA service

Dinner at Northbridge and Yip Kee – Cell leaders

Sunday 26th July


Tennis - Isaiah

Soccer -Michael

Badminton -Aldrin & Chu Xuan(Andrew)

That's all for now...keep checking the post for more updates yea? Let's bring in the harvest together =)

In His love and mine,

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