40 days of Love Sharing !!!

Hey Guys!!

What a night (and day for those who served and performed) SFAS was eh?! Really really awesome stuff!! Great to see we are truly growing from strength to strength each year, and isn't it a great feeling of (good) pride that we are contributing and part of this growth? Don't ever take it for granted yeah? You guys rock!!

Well .. SFAS is over ... but 40 days of love has begun! Time to clock some book reading time eh? Isn't it cool we all get to have the same daily devotion for the next 40 days? What I personally look forward to is the different revelations each of us can get from the same reading material!

And guess what? For the next 40 days, each of you will get to share with my dream! Why? Because in the next 40 days every Zone Sup, Cell leader and Intern of this FANTASTIC zone will be taking turns to pen down (well ... type actually) their thoughts on each chapter of The Relationship Principles of Jesus! How cool is that?!

Speaking of which ... here's the list!

Day No. Date Day Blogger
1 20/09/09 Sunday Peter
2 21/09/09 Monday Max
3 22/09/09 Tuesday Stanley
4 23/09/09 Wednesday Letitia
5 24/09/09 Thursday Suling
6 25/09/09 Friday Eunice
7 26/09/09 Saturday Jacquelyn
8 27/09/09 Sunday Allison
9 28/09/09 Monday Rachel
10 29/09/09 Tuesday Joshua Lau
11 30/09/09 Wednesday Jeremy Tan
12 1/10/09 Thursday Joshua Lim
13 2/10/09 Friday Steph Sim
14 3/10/09 Saturday Isaiah
15 4/10/09 Sunday Jamie
16 5/10/09 Monday Lucas
17 6/10/09 Tuesday Yaushu
18 7/10/09 Wednesday Steph To
19 8/10/09 Thursday Jiali
20 9/10/09 Friday Jim
21 10/10/09 Saturday Max
22 11/10/09 Sunday Steph Sim
23 12/10/09 Monday Stanley
24 13/10/09 Tuesday Isaiah
25 14/10/09 Wednesday Letitia
26 15/10/09 Thursday Jamie
27 16/10/09 Friday Suling
28 17/10/09 Saturday Eunice
29 18/10/09 Sunday Lucas
30 19/10/09 Monday Jacquelyn
31 20/10/09 Tuesday Yaushu
32 21/10/09 Wednesday Allison
33 22/10/09 Thursday Steph To
34 23/10/09 Friday Rachel
35 24/10/09 Saturday Jiali
36 25/10/09 Sunday Joshua Lau
37 26/10/09 Monday Jim
38 27/10/09 Tuesday Jeremy Tan
39 28/10/09 Wednesday Joshua Lim
40 29/10/09 Thursday Peter

So guys, I hope everyone is excited and ready to be impacted! Do bear in mind that this sharing should always compliment YOUR OWN READING, so ... let's have a little rule. We read on our own first, reflect upon it and then come here after to read what others thought about the same chapter ... deal?

You can expect the sharing to be present every morning by 7am ... I can hear the leaders groaning already hah But hey, we need to think about those who do devotion in the mornings right? So there you have it folks, 40 days of adventure starting ... NOW!! God bless and journey mercies!

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