Day 8: The 007 Challenge!

A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another [John 13:34]

You know, Jesus can be everly so subtle in the things He commands. This verse wouldn't have sound so impossible if the 'As' was removed, no?

A new command I give you: Love one another. I have loved you, so you must love one another --> see?? That's not too hard now, is it?

Jesus loves me, so I love you!! & everyone lives happily ever after =D
[in other words, love the best you can]

but why oh why must the 'As' be there. makes everything entirely impossible now.

As Jesus loved me, so I love you!! In other words, love exactly how Jesus loved you & everyone say 'ling ling qi bang! aaaah!!"
[sorry. just had to XD]

Tom Holladay said: "Me, love as Jesus loved? You've got to be kidding. There's NO way! it's like someone inviting me to jump across the Grand Canyon"

Ehly says: " [manly] yeeah yeeeah!! Of course!! No problem-o! ........if I am Jesus Himself"

so how, you asked? how how hooooooooooooooooooooooow!!
*pulls hair*

Well, simple! the answer is:
You CAN'T! there's definitely NO way! IMPOSSIBLE!! too bad for you!! *sticks out tongue*

.....except the Jesus living in us!

Only when we choose to totally surrender our everything to Him and allow HIM to take control, we can never love the way Jesus loved, care the way Jesus cared, be as forgiving as Jesus, be as patient as Jesus etc etc, you get the idea.

and boy, is God the happiest alive knowing that we finally got it! that there is indeed NO way can we love as Jesus loved. and oh how long has He waited until He finally whack that idea into our stubborn heart.

and how our whole entire Christian being, we've tried and tried, tried so hard till we run dry. we bite our tongue and force ourselves to love. WE kept pushing. WE kept trying. WE kept on going but God sits and watch till we finally drop trying and tell Him God this thing you ask of me, it's too hard. i cant do it. i'm too tired. i feel like giving up. and God goes FINALLY! now I can show you MY power. MY strength. MYself in you.

so as long as WE is in place, GOD cannot take control. GOD cannot snatch this 'control' from us until WE step down, then GOD can step in and take it from there. [very much like freewill and choice]

Christianity is not trying harder; Christianity is trusting Jesus.

God, I am not here to try my hardest. I'm here to surrender my all to You. to step down so You can step in. to let You have your way. to let You do as You please. because i'm tired. so tired of trying. trying to be. trying to do. trying to reach that standard. i only run dry. but when You come in and take over, i shall never thirst again.

To be like ehly and meet ehly's standard, it's very easy. just suan a lil. poke a lil, stir the pot a lil and you'll get there! but to be like Jesus and meet His standard, it's impossible. unless we gave our whole entire self up to Him and He lives through us.

so in the next few days, sing this cheer whenever, wherever: What's my Standard? JESUS is my Standard! What's my Standard? JESUS is my Standard!What's my Standard? JESUS is my Standard! What's my Standard? JESUS is my Standard!

God Blesses everyone!!
ps: 007 BANG!

this could be VERY tiring!!

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