Baptism - A Testimony from Vera Lee

For those who could not attend last Sunday's Baptism ceremony, you must understand that you missed something so great! 16 Baptism candidates, 11 from UWA zone! We cannot replicate the atmosphere nor how the sun broke through the gloomy clouds but we can bring back a little something special from that day. Sharings from our very own zone! Stay tuned for a 3 part special on Baptism Sunday, First up - Vera Lee!

As some of you know, I’ve been a catholic since I was about 11 years old, but I never truly understood what God was all about. However, it was only until just about two years back where I experienced God so so personally. And that really changed my life. I’ve come up with a poem to share this wonderful journey so here goes!

It was that very fateful night
Which put me in a terrible plight
9 examinations with 2 weeks to go
I broke down I gave up, I hit a new low
I ran to my room, distraught and hopeless
I needed God, to fill my emptiness.
I knelt down and told God I needed some help
I called, he answered, my heart he felt
There and then peace filled my heart
I went back to my books and I felt smart
The Lord came to my rescue when I was defeated
Hope and confidence he gave when I pleaded.
This is my God, who always provides
Especially His love with no clause to abide.

At times horrible voices pollute my mind
You’re ugly, unworthy, so go hide behind.
The enemy knows my weakness and makes me blind
Nothing good about me am I able to find
But the Lord is my rescuer, my fortress, my king
He saves me from lies that the enemy brings
He opens my eyes to the things unseen
He tells me I’m beautiful despite what I think.

Many things in life I regret having done
But God always gives me a second chance
This is our God who constantly forgives
His unending love for me I truly believe
Indeed amazing grace saved a wretch like me
I was lost and blind but now I see.

I thank God for everything that He has done
He is my shepherd I shall not want
His glory now fills my universe
His light makes my life’s darkness fully disperse
His presence brings peace into my heart
His love accepts me no matter what.
It’s by His stripes that I am saved
With Him will I always be amazed
In Him I know my future’s secure
Despite any endeavors I’ll have to endure
Today I declare that He is my God
And with Him forever will I follow and walk.


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