The Exclusive Interview - Max Ting!

After a brief housemate to housemate wrestle because one of us left the dishes out last night. *pant* We get to sit down and ask the tall bean of our zone, my housemate, some questions! Enjoy!

So Max, what's it like being UWA zone's tallest Zone Sup??
*pants* Well to be honest, it’s quite nice to have people look up to me literally, but not so nice that I have to look down on almost everyone … I mean … it hurts my neck u know?! :p

Right … as if that’s a big problem! How’s the air up there?
If the air down there makes you look like … YOU, I’m pretty sure the air up here is better.

Ouch … Do u poke fun at the other two shorties???
Is that how you talk to your leaders’ BOY?! I will show you some manners later on. *cracks knuckles*

I think there is a constant barrage of teases amongst the zone sups, helps keep us on our toes, but I don’t think the issue of height really comes up much. I would like to think we prefer to fight it out with our wits instead, but in reality I think we just have a lot of fun together.

Does Peter or Josh get teased more?
Definitely Josh, his constantly falling into the “you-asked-for-it” syndrome! Plus he has a wonderful gf who always needs him to bail her out of trouble & he bites the bullet for her each time so what can you say? What a man!

If Josh Lim is the zone's saboteur in chief, you must be a close push for second.... any plans to dethrone him?
What for? I get to do all I want and he gets the blame, sounds like a little piece of heaven to me!

What is the biggest sabo you could ever pull on Josh?
Fake a break up letter from Letitia, burn his clothes, spray paint his car, finally get him into the duck pond, msg Letitia with his phone with a “wrong” message to another girl, tie him up and rub chilli over his face … hmmm … you can tell I have thought this through huh? Hah Grow eyes on the back of your head Josh, a storm’s coming!

Same same old, if Pete and Josh were drowning... WHO would you save???
Oh this is a real dilemma, I mean after BOTH of them have happily announced they would let me die, what can you do?!! I could (1) let them both drown and laugh my head silly OR (2) give my life to save the both of them and let them live with the guilt for the rest of their lives. But I know these guys too well … there will be NO GUILT. So if it came down to it, I think Peter because a girl out there hasn’t been blessed with his love yet, and I can’t rob that girl from that joy. That’s right Josh, the truth will set you free!

Do you think Jacq is the hottest babe in ZPH?
(within 2 nanoseconds), Y-E-S!!!!!

Mark, you got a real deathwish you know that? All I can say is, you want to get together with someone who would brighten your day when you see her, especially (after married) waking up in bed. If not … seriously, you’re in trouble!

And dude, if she reads this … you’re dead man. hah

Whoops, better switch questions then. Wedding bells ringing... WHEN WHEN??
ahhh… this question. The answer ain’t coming easily for any of you reading, you have to earn it. But what I CAN say is … earlier than Josh so go and read his post first :p

Who is the most 'steady' cell leader in ZPH in your opinion?
Well that would be Jacquelyn of course … since me & her are going “steady”? HAHA But seriously, to be able to organize, lead, counsel members AND serve in their various other ministries? All our brilliant 10 Cell Leaders ARE ALL steady. All have their different strengths so I really can’t pick a head runner.

IP Man VS Iron Man??
As in a fight? IP man is cool and all … but I highly doubt Wing Chun could do anything to a few tons of heavy metal!

Which would you choose?
Hmm .. IP man is noble, moral and has super OP (Overpower) fighting skills. Iron Man appears to the general public as not moral and noble BUT he actually is, and is super brilliant (like 10 times more than Henry), super charming (10 times more than Francis) and what’s more is SUPER RICH (1000000000000 times more than Vera!). All this plus his OP suit + computer … no brainer. IRON MAN … I WANT I WANT I WANT I WANT *drools*

What excites you most about serving in ZPH??
(1) I am part of building something great!! (2) I am part of the life journey of each member! (3) It’s FUN doing what I do in serving the Lord!! Especially when it means calling Lijin on Friday to tell her that she’s doing Tithes & Offering … ahh small joys … small joys :p

What is the biggest advice you can give about serving in ZPH for potential leaders stepping up?
Serving as a leader, especially cell leadership will be the most rewarding experience you can ever receive! I will bet my last dollar on that! HOWEVER, being a leader will mean you will be stretched, you will be pushed, but only because it is getting the best out of you, and in turn making a better you SO THAT you can receive the greater blessings in life. Not for the faint hearted!

What is the biggest question you wanna ask God?
Why is my best friend so ugly but can get such a beautiful girlfriend?!? It defiles logic man

Only because God is good and He has great plans to prosper us! Claim it! Well we have come to the end of another awesome interview. The Zone Sups are done HOWEVER … we will be starting to interview your Cell Leaders from here on! And first up is …. JIM WU!! So if you have any questions for Jim, just post them on the chatbox and we will include the good ones! Be blessed!


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