Confessions of A Chairman

No … not the expensive suit (and no doubt rich) CEO chairman, but the (not so rich) person who goes up after worship in service… that chairman!

Today I want to use this opportunity to let you into the mind of a chairperson, to have a glimpse of what goes through our minds when we are up there, doing what we do.

It’s all about confidence …

Firstly, you must know that confidence is the greatest key for public speaking. It truly rises and falls on this account alone. And confidence is built upon experience, and experience is basically failing a lot of times and remembering what NOT to do up stage!

But really … we are scared (at least for me!)

But don’t mistake confidence having a lack of fear. There is always fear. Fear that I would forget something, fear that I would mispronounce something, fear that my jokes aren’t funny, fear that I’m boring or just plain fear that I wouldn’t do a great job.

Let me share 2 things that get me scared.

1. When there’s last min changes especially the ones just before sending me up!

2. When no one laughs or when people start looking down!

But you know what? Just have fun!

Took me a long time to realize this, but when God calls you into ministry, you will always find joy in doing it … which I have in … “educating” others about certain people. Heh

But be careful on making enemies

Never never never let someone know they are the topic of your chairing, they will find means to get back at you! And to certain people in the PA and Projection teams … TRAITORS!!! You know who you are! BEWARE … *growl*

Tricks of the trade

If you are ever considering chairing or if you want to do better with public speaking, here’s 3 advice (that have been told to me) and now I pass them down to you. So listen young Palawan …

1. Believe in what you share

If you don’t, why & how would others believe you?

2. Be enthusiastic about what you share

If you are truly enthusiastic , people will be too.

3. Monkey see, monkey do

By far the greatest advice I have ever gotten. The audience will mimic the speaker, if something happens and you show that you’re embarrass, people will feel embarrassed for you. In contrast, if you take it casually and laugh it off, people will see the funny side of it and will laugh with you!

But not all the tricks of course :)

There is more of course to chairing, especially what goes through our minds, but this post is long enough and hey … we can’t give you all the aces can we? But I hope you enjoyed this post!!

As much as I enjoy serving the Lord in chairing service for you all, I am now on a vengeance path to right the wrong that has been done to me! Beware you traitors! A storm is coming!!!

~ Max ~

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