Wu Pang Jin

Today we interview the recently-attached, immensely talented, much-loved Jim Wu! Ever the academic, it’s tough to find some free time but ever the gentleman, Jim willingly obliges to answer some questions which I have conjured out of my flights of fancy (along with some by popular demand of the zone of course)! Happy reading ZPH-ians!

Mark: Your first sem cell leading!! What has it been like for you? Tell us the things that you found the hardest to cope with and the things you love most about the responsibility!

Jim: Hardest? Spending time with my cellies. I’m a very busy man when it comes to my studies. I put a lot of priorities in it, thus, quite difficult to juggle between those two. It’s like, whenever I have free time, I’ll study or try to finish my assignments. That’s what you become when you were a total nerd for a year and a half.
Things that I love? Delegating of course. Calling my core and telling them what to do. The best part is that they are so willing and they always say “yes”. It makes cell leading so much more easy. A huge thanks to my core.

Mark: Delegation is important you know Jim…it’s a codeword for ‘legalised sabo-ing’ by the way! Certainly has been an awesome sight seeing you in action as a cell leader! Have you been blessed by the role?

Jim: Definitely!! I’ve learnt a lot from my cellies. The best part is that when you see your cell members grow and you see the potential in them that will bring them to even greater heights in their life achievements.

Mark: Even the Master learns from his students =). Has your vision for your cell been achieved this sem?

Jim: Well, honestly, I can say, half of it only, but the more important thing is that I see growth in my cell whether the cell vision is achieved completely or not.

Mark: Sem’s not over yet!! So it can still be achieved!! And how would you encourage others to step forward to fill this role in the future?

Jim: Just do it!! You might think that you are not up for it but you’ll never know how awesome and wonderful it is to serve as a cell leader. Yes, it might be scary and stressful at times but the reward that you receive far outweighs the “sufferings”.

Mark: Who is the best cook in your cell? Don’t be afraid to say yourself HAHA!

Jim: I gotta say it’s Soon Eng! Just give him meat, and he can surprise you.

Mark: Soon Eng eh… I gotta get his number .. or pay him a surprise dinner visit soon… aside from the cooks, who is the life of the party in your cell??

Jim: Haha, the Singaporean girls -> Deborah, Weiping and Ansley, because they are the only girls in my cell...hahaaha.

Mark: So, some same old same old incoming… What is the first thing you wanna ask God when you see him?

Jim: Hm…never really thought of it though. I don’t really have any questions for Him at the moment. Well, I guess when I get to meet Him, I might even skip the part of asking questions and go straight to worship!!

Mark: I’ve heard that you play like…. MANY musical instruments (Talk about market value, Li Jim you lucky girl!) which exactly are the instruments you are able to play?

Jim: Haha, many people had asked me this before. Well, there are many but if you asked me which instruments that I can really play, I gotta say it is the electone(organ), bass guitar, acoustic guitar, DRUMS!!, Chinese flute(dizi), recorder….yea. That’s all I think.

Mark: Is there an instrument you really wish to learn that you don’t know how to play yet?

Jim: The PIANO!! Seriously!! Not joking!! I want to be like Jim Brickman, hehe, no pun intended.

Mark: Mr Wu Pang JIN, you know it’s coming man…. and I’m sure everyone whose been reading has been waiting for this! WHERE and HOW did you ask Li JIM to be your girlfriend?

Jim: By the way, my name is spelled “pHang”, pronounced as “pang”, like the word “punk”.
Oh man, so many people asked me this. Haha, okies. Mat Bay, and it was during sunset. Er..how? I just asked directly. Straight to the point.

Mark: A man’s man eh? What do you think is Li Jim’s BEST physical attribute?? Don’t be SHY! No LYING!

Jim: HER EYES!!!

Mark: Eyes eh... her big round puppy eyes sure got you! What do you think is her best NON-physical attribute?

Jim: Her service, her habit of always wanting to bless people, her sacrificial character.

Mark: Wow. Looks like you scored man... What do you think Li JIM likes best about you?

Jim: Hm…a lot of stuff but I guess the mains ones must be my honesty and me being open to her, and also me being a very nice MQBF(M**** Q**** Boy Friend , don’t worry, it’s not a swear word) !! HAHa..

Mark: ?!? Alright everyone, you will have to ask Jim what MQ means yourselves! Jim, Is she your first girlfriend?

Jim: Yups!!

Mark: First-timer eh… that’s good! I’ve heard it’s Li Jim’s first time too if my info is right? Talk about a fairytale love story haha! So, is she the prettiest girl you ever laid eyes on?

Jim: In my eyes, YES SHE IS!! I can’t stop looking at her..haha.

OLJ/Li Jim must be crying tears of joy after reading this..

And that’s all for our interview with Mr. Jim Wu folks! Hope you enjoyed his honest (we hope) answers! Stay tuned for the next cell leader interview!! Who is it going to be me? Find out soon and in the meantime you’re most welcome to contact me (Mark) for questions to ask! God Bless!


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