Awesome Easter Camp Experience

GOD – the Abundant Giver

Jesus – the Good Shepherd

The Holy Spirit – the Empowerer

In John 10:10 (NIV) it says, “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.

As I was pondering on what to share for my experience in Easter camp, trying to put together my thoughts, I found myself praying this prayer in my heart, “God, I know you’ve given me so much, you are everything I need Lord, so I ask Lord that you help me to share this truth with others so that your will be done, in Jesus’ name.” And it hit me like a snowball in winter or hailstone in UWA :P

This is my second year going to Easter camp and compared to last year, I wasn’t nearly as reluctant to go, worrying over deadlines, assignments and reports. One thing one of my previous cell leaders has taught me is to have an expectant heart to receive from God. So, this year when Easter camp was first announced in church I was so excited and I believed that God had something he wanted to tell me, teach me or show me. And God being God, didn’t just give me what I expected, but gave me so much more than I expected.

One of the things that I asked God for was, “How can I be a good witness for you?” It is an area that I struggle in and what Karen wrote in the devotional, “There are decisions we must make that bear not only upon our own lives but also upon the lives of everyone with whom we are associated. My life touches my family, my neighbours and my business associates” has challenged me to be a better witness for the sake of my family members and friends who have yet to be saved.

And I thank God that He answered my question on the first night of Easter Camp through Mark Pomery who shared about Jesus and the Samaritan Woman (John 4:1-35). He said this, “The greatest gift that God gave us was His Son, and the greatest gift we can give to others is the message that He has risen”. He went on teaching us a three point action plan - PRAY, ENGAGE & INVEST. Pray, as it is the starting point and foundation of what we do. Engage, to meet people where they are, to be concerned with they are concerned about. Invest, to be interested in people and to consistently give your best to someone. Jesus’ words that invested in the Samaritan woman compelled her to bring the villagers to meet with Him.

If you’re like me, then you’ve probably shied yourself from people at the fear of not knowing what to talk about or how to act around them. Then, there are the times when you muster your courage and finally talk to someone you’ve never talked to before and you get the feeling, they are just uninterested in what you have to say.

This leads me to my last point: Submit and Obey and He will give you the victory. Like David who was up against Goliath, Moses against Pharoah, Jesus facing the pain and suffering of betrayal and crucifixion, and yet submitted to God and followed through to His will, triumphed over their overwhelming circumstances. So, what is the thing you want to overcome in this year? For me, it’s inexperience and the fear of reaching out to people. I don’t know, but can I encourage you that God’s spirit in us will empower us to overcome those difficult situations when we earnestly seek Him.

Alright, enough of my ramblings. Haha. God’s peace!!!

~ Henry ~

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