Passion Retreat 2010 ~~ Peace

Peace. Truth be told, when I first heard the camp theme, I was a tiny bit skeptical. Okay, so we’re gonna learn about peace for 3 days. I’ve always thought it was impossible to have peace just after a 3-day camp.

Some of you may know that I have been struggling a lot with my studies since the start of sem. I study hard, give my best during tests, and still, get below average results. Feeling discouraged and inadequate, I questioned God a few times, “If it is Your will for me to be here, why are You making things so difficult for me?

In spite of a backlog of work, lots of Lectopia’s to catch up with and a bunch of course mates refusing to come to Easter Camp because they needed the time to study, still, I apprehensively headed off to camp without expecting much. Little did I know how much God was going to speak to me.

On the 2nd night, Ps. Harold asked those who wanted a touch from the Holy Spirit to come forward. I felt a prompting from God to go. And I obeyed. But I told myself “Whatever happens, I’m not gonna cry.”

But when Ps. Harold came to me, something quite extraordinary happened. I felt this hardened wall of emotions crumble down bit by bit. I started tearing as he asked me to continue praising God and receiving from Him. And then Ps. Harold uttered the 3 most unexpected words that still blow my mind up to this day. He said “The Spirit of God asked me to tell you this: It is fine. God has heard your prayers.”

“God listens to prayers”- one of the first few things you would learn in Sunday School. It is such a basic statement that it has lost its significance and meaning over the years. Being repeated again and again only made it a cliché to me.

But when Ps. Harold actually said those words out loud, they were so surreal that I almost choked. Not only was I amazed at how anointed Ps. Harold was, but more so, I was in awe of the fact that we have a Living God who listens to our every cry. The God of the universe listens to me. My problems and struggles- yes, no matter how big or small they are, God is there listening (And probably chuckling at how anxious mere mortals can get about the future). Speechless and stupefied, I broke down as I pondered upon what an incredibly loving God we have. And how little faith we have in the God that set the stars in their place.

It is fine. The 3 most reassuring words I’ve heard in ages. Sometimes really all you need to know is that everything is going to be OK, that your future is safe in God’s hands. I feel thoroughly blessed to have had a face to face encounter with my King.

In retrospect, I find the irony of it all quite hilarious. I never expected to come back from camp overwhelmed by the peace of God. Prior to camp, the most I prayed and asked God for was a renewed and refreshed Spirit. But God superseded my expectations and gave me way beyond what I bargained for.

I am now convinced that it is divinely possible to be flooded with the peace of God just after a 3-day camp. For with God, nothing is impossible. There are certainly no words to describe this peace in me. You just have to experience it for yourself. =)

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” [Phil 4:6-7]


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