The Exclusive Interview - Peter Kenner!

Peter Kenner ... we all know who he is, being the head honcho zone supervisor is hard to miss, and he is quite big! But apart from fearlessly leading us, how much do we really know about this Victorian born, Aprilia riding man of God? That is our quest today, as I ask him some very tough questions!


Do you think you’re good looking??

Sometimes. I guess it depends on how friendly the mirror is being that day J But more often than not I don’t think about myself as good looking.

If you were a girl, which guy in Zion would your FIRST choice?? (No lying now!)

Seriously??? What kind of question is that??? Let me think for a while… Ok, it would have to be my housemate Ziech. I don’t think he would be the easiest person to be married to but I honestly can’t think of anyone that I respect more and that you could more safely trust your future to. His number is 0430 459… Actually, if you’re interested just let me know and I’ll add your name to the pile of applicants J

What do you think is the circumference measurement of your right bicep?

Not sure. Hang on… 40cm (41 when flexed so it must be mostly fat)

If you were to join the World Wrestling Federation, what would your stage name be?

The Insomner

What’s the 1st thing you will ask Jesus when you see him?

I’m not sure that the first thing I would do is ask a question. If I did ask a question it might be something like “why me?” or “what were all those questions I wanted to ask you?”

Do you think ignorance is bliss?

Yeah. There are some things that I would love to unlearn or that it would be much easier not to know. But I also think that it’s unhealthy because acting in ignorance can lead you down a path away from God.

Which is your favorite movie?

I can’t think of one movie that really stands out. But action movies are definitely my favourite. If you were to ask about TV shows I’d say either ‘House’ or ‘Scrubs’

What was your dream job when you were a little boy?

I wanted to be a farmer. Most holidays when I was young were spent on farms and I loved to help milk the cows, hand-feed the sheep, play in the haystacks and mess around with the dogs.

What’s the most embarrassing moment/incident in your life?

When I was young my mum got me involved in a market research taste testing. Each kid was put in a little booth and they would push tiny plates of food through a little door in the wall of the booth. I really (like really) needed to pee and each time I tried to talk to them through the gap when they would shut the door too quickly. I couldn’t find a toilet anywhere and ended up peeing in the corridor ‘cos I just couldn’t hold on any longer. Scarred for life.

What is your personal vision/goal for the youths of Zion Praise Harvest?

I want to see a generation of young people totally surrendered to Christ, totally separated from their old lives, totally willing to go anywhere and do anything for God, totally abandoned in worship and totally outspoken about their faith.

If Josh and Max were drowning…. WHO WOULD YOU SAVE????

Finally an easy question! Josh of course. Max is much more likely to be able to touch the bottom and he’s already lived a long life. Not to forget that it would be a ‘tall’ order to try and save Max.

~ Mark ~

*More details about Peter can be found under Leadership Profiles, have a look!*

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