Life Changing Experience

“Do not follow other gods to serve and worship them; do not provoke me to anger with what your hands have made. Then I will not harm you.” [Jeremiah 25:6]

As I was thinking about my past, lots of memories popped up in my mind. If you didn’t know, I was not a Christian before I came over to Perth. I can say that I was a free thinker or maybe even a Buddhist. But seriously, I seldom went to the temple, maybe once a year? I don’t read those Buddhist things, and the most that I would do was to pray with joss sticks at home when my mum asked me to do so. My mum would even say to me, “why can’t you be more initiative to pray with joss sticks?” After that I would be thinking “Hmm I don’t know…I just don’t like to do this…one of the reasons was the smell of it…I hated the smoke!!”

But since young, I’ve always had this feeling to be a Christian. I don’t know why I felt this way. I still remember when I was in school, I would often admire my Christian friends because they knew so much about the bible. Sometimes, during school times, the teacher would need to fill up some form regarding the students’ details. And I remember that there’s always this question that the teacher had to ask, “Students who are Christian please raise your hands.” Then I would be like…urghhh…I’m not T.T then would feel a bit sad but after a while, I would just let it go, and continue moving on.

Till I came over to Perth, I followed one of my college friends to Zion Praise Harvest. I missed the first Saturday service that time because I was at the city alone, and I couldn’t find my way to UWA, and it was getting late. So I went to ask people how to get to UWA. I was so happy that I finally reached UWA that day. I called my friend and asked where the service was at. Sadly when I arrived, the service ended. But thankfully, the church had actually organized a food festival thingy after service. So I just followed my friend there and got to know new people too. After that day, I consistently came to church every week and I joined a cell group too. I was so happy because I finally got the chance to attend a church service and know more about God.

So I finally made the decision to accept Christ and follow Him forever. I was delighted that I’m now a Christian, learning His words daily and growing in Him more and more each day. Remember, my family is not Christian. So, after I’ve accepted Christ, I didn’t tell them about it at all. All I told them was I attended cell every Friday and church service every Saturday in UWA. At first I was afraid, I was scared that if I told them that I’m a Christian, they would scold me or won’t let me continue my studies here because they once told me that I shouldn’t become a Christian (but I didn’t bother about it). So during the summer holidays, I went back for holidays. As usual, I was reluctant to pray with joss sticks, but I was forced to do so. In my mind, I was like, oh no, will the Lord punish me if I do this because I’ve accepted Him in my life? I was so afraid that time, I even prayed to God before I pray the joss sticks. So, I just did whatever I could that time, and still didn’t have the courage to tell my parents. I continued praying and seeking God. I prayed that God would change my parents’ perspective about Christianity, and one day He would bring them to His kingdom.

I came back to Perth and during one service, the Pastor said that we shall not be fearful or something along the line (I can’t remember who the guest speaker was that time). I still remember that after he finished preaching, he asked us to bow our heads, and quiet down our hearts. During that time, it was this question that popped into my mind, should I tell my parents that I’m Christian? Suddenly, I heard the Pastor said that “You must be brave, don’t be fearful, and lift up everything to God!” I was then shocked. I was like……is he talking about me? And that was when I decided to tell my parents that I’m a Christian. I took up the courage to text them and explained to them about why I wanted to be a Christian. And guess what? They didn’t get offended, instead they were happy for me. Praise the Lord! I felt so relieved after receiving their reply because I was so nervous while waiting to get their reply. I didn’t know what to do if the answer was a NO. But thank God my parents finally know that I’m a Christian.

When I went back during the last summer holidays, I was never forced to pray with joss sticks anymore. In fact, I was able to attend church service at City Harvest KL. I was really happy and amazed by what God had done in my life. Really thank God for his blessings and protection upon my life. And for now onwards, I will continue to pray for my family, that they may be saved one day!

Hmm that’s all from me now. Byeeeee ! And I will leave you with this verse.

In that day you will say: “Give thanks to the Lord, call on his name; make known among the nations what he has done, and proclaim that his name is exalted.” [Isaiah12:4]

God Bless.


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