
Hi guys,

Hope you all aren’t fully stressed out by uni this week. For those who are, remember that you have a God which is far bigger than any problem you are facing right now.

For today, I would like to share something I’ve learned from cell which I hope will inspire you all. Let’s start this off with a question. What’s a Spartan without a war? Or what’s a guitar without strings? And lastly what’s a Christian without God?

Firstly, I’m sure most of you all have watched the movie ‘300’ - if not go rent it! Well in the movie ‘300’ we can see that a Spartan’s occupation is well … being a Spartan (HA-OOH!) and their primary occupation is to fight. Similarly as Christians, our occupation is being a Christian and our primary principle is to have a RELATIONSHIP with GOD.

Can you imagine the Spartans being accountants, librarians or lawyers? It just wouldn’t suit them right? When we watch a movie knowing there’s going to be a Spartan in it, we expect a battle don’t we? We expect strong, well trained and fearless warriors ready to put their life down for their country and fellow men. So when we see or imagine a Spartan being an accountant, there is a underling feeling that he is doing something which his not made for.

Many of us we now look to complete our education, find a great job and one day start a family. All these are things which I pray you will all have. But we must remember that, while in the process of aiming for these we must not lose track of our primary principle which is our relationship with God.

Can a Spartan say he’s a Spartan if he has never fought a battle before? Well, there could be the remote possibility that there were no wars during his time. How about a Spartan who has never wielded a sword before? No right? Similarly to this, how can we say we love God but live a life studying 24/7 and not do anything else?

With this I wish you all have a blessed week and may you be a blessing to others. God bless you all.


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