Day 15 - Communication isn't Easy!

(Amen to the exclamation mark that comes after the title for today's topic!)

When I first read this chapter, I just had to laugh at the sheer irony of it. Me - surely a shoo-in for any foot-in-mouth awards if they existed. Who am I to speak of love-driven communication when about 60% of the words I say are jokes made at the expense of others, and the remaining 40%, just laughter in response to aforementioned jokes?

But, God works in mysterious ways... so let's get this started.

First, a little story about a little girl in a little city...

I grew up in an environment where lavish encouragement weren't exactly, well, lavishly lavished upon me. And I'm sure you've all heard how affirmation is important in building a child's confidence?

Those psychologists lie not.

While I certainly wasn't a wallflower by any means, growing up in that encouragement-deficient environment nevertheless took it's toll, and as a child, I was plagued by unsureness, of my potential, my abilities and myself in general.

But, we've all had that particular turning point in our lives from whence we begin to see that we are more than we thought we were, right?

Well mine came in the fateful spring of 1996, in the beautiful humanoid form of my teacher, Mrs. Ng Sok Lan (or at least that's what my decade old memory tells me her name is. Not the prettiest name I know, but shut up! I forbid you to insult her!) Anyway, I was 12. I had 2 maths tuition teachers, and I still managed to fail spectacularly in that wretched subject. But it wasn't just maths. I don't remember being particularly outstanding in the other subjects as well, simply because I didn't care to try.

But Mrs. Ng, bless her heart! She was always so encouraging. For once, I wasn't just the midget in the corner, wait. Make that, the maths-failing midget, dozing off in the corner. For the first time in my life, I wasn't just coldly handed a test-paper red-marked with crosses and zeros, and rounded off with a disapproving glare. Mrs. Ng made sure to praise the times I managed to improve on zero, and slowly but surely, her words of encouragement fueled my trudge up the academic hill. In the same year, I won a good progress award from the government (Singaporeans should be familiar with this award) and the very next year, I was chalking up the Aces (except in Maths).

Now, let's fast forward and return to 2009.

Pastor Holladay tells us that "while we may not be given the ability to heal someone physically with our words, there is no doubt that our words can heal a relationship, heal someone's faith, heal a broken heart, heal a shattered hope."

(And I'm sure by now, you'd have caught the gist of what I intend to pick out from the chapter?)

What is ENCOURAGEMENT but to "inspire with courage, spirit, or hope", "to spur on", and quite simply put, "to give someone the confidence to do something"?


Isn't Pastor Holladay's words and these definitions just so inspiring in their profound simplicity? As a half-baked aficionado of literary stuff, I can see the beauty of these words, the spirit embodied within, and the message carried across. But, unless I get out of my armchair, pick up a tool and pry open that chamber in my heart containing loving words for others (figuratively of course, we do not want things to get bloody messy here), what is the point of understanding, or even appreciating these words? What good is it if we, like that man in James 1:22-24, merely skim the facade of these words, not bothering to venture any further, and actually act upon it?

Sure. Not all of us are gifted in encouragement like, say Pastor Joyce is. Not all of us are Mrs. Ngs (unless of course you marry a Mr. Ng, but that's besides the point). But, all of us have a mouth. Which produces sounds. Which can be artfully composed into melodious words of courage, spirit and hope that we can sing into the hearts of those around us.

I reckon it wasn't a freak coincidence that my own bible-reading schedule for today took me to 2 instances where Jesus healed and restored the ability of speech to a man and a boy - one in Mark 7:31-35, and the latter in Mark 9:17-27.

Some of us have been mute for far too long.

I guess the challenge for all of us today (and thereafter), is to allow the healing love of Christ to flow through our hearts, out of our mouths (Luke 6:45), and into the lives of the "others" and "neighbours" we are called to love as ourselves.

Our words can be the salve to someone's wounds.
Our words can be the fuel to someone's faltering faith.
Our words can be the superglue for someone's shattered heart.

Our words can be the turning point for a midget in the corner.

Our words have the power of life and death.

Let's choose to bring life.

"But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called Today, so that none of you may be hardened by sin's deceitfulness." - Hebrews 3:13

A now taller midget.

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