Day 33 - How Humility Handles Our Relationship with God

Hey guys!!

This chapter really speaks to my heart. 1 Corinthians 13 of the Good Book states that if we do not love, we become a "resounding gong or a clanging cymbal", we are "nothing" and sadly "gain nothing". And in the same way, ( or at least to me) if we go out loving others whilst not managing our relationship with God, we really missed the point!

What Pastor Holladay spoke about the Pharisee really hit me. No good Christian ever intends to distance themselves from the Father, especially after being touched by His sweet presence and feeling His all empowering love, peace and joy. But what scares me is that we can become like the Pharisee, sliding away from God and into sin step by step, rule by rule, condemnation of others after condemnation of others.

And before we know it, we become one of those holier than thou hypocrites. So how do we stop ourselves from heading down that dark dark alley? Easy. When you find yourselves standing in your own personal greatness, whether it is topping the class in the exams or coming up with the solution to a multi-billion dollar headache or managing to tie your shoelaces, ask yourself ... Will I exalt myself, or will I humble myself?

Here's a trade secret friends, if you could think this thought while experiencing your personal greatness then half the battle is already won and you're on the right path ... now just leaves choosing to being humble! But if you didn't think of it (or if you know someone who has this problem) then the ONLY solution is to spend more time on our knees praying, there's no two ways around it!

Diamonds are the of the hardest materials on this earth, (which is probably why women become hard-hearted after getting their diamond?) but even the diamond can be eroded away little by little by digging on raw dirt at the hands of a drill. And that can be us as we eroding away little by little by sliding little by little away from God towards self-efficiency.

So friends, let us not be like the house built on sand that is easily swept away, but be the one that is built on the firm foundation of Christ. Let's stop sliding around with the world and start standing up for what we believe, let's stop thinking so highly of ourselves but start humbling ourselves in front of THE high King.

We are nothing without God my friends, so let's make it a lifestyle depending on God and let the floodgates of love and blessings start rolling out the goods!

Be blessed!

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