Day 39 - Forget the Ideal, Go for the Real

Second last day! Woo!
For you UWA Leaders, isn't this a familiar topic? We just had a conversation about this last Saturday. Ironic, huh? haha. I know I said this on Saturday, but it is something I really believe in and something we have to be aware of. It goes like this: We do not live in a world of reality, we live in a world of perceptions. The sooner we realize this, the better our lives would be, because we would start being real with God, and being real with people.
We live in a world where people accept what they want to accept, believe what they want to believe rather than accepting and believing the reality. We have let other people, or the 'world' determine on our behalf, what is good, what is not, which is better, and which sucks. In saying that, we can also conclude that most of us do not lead our lives, we just accept them. Most of the time, if we are honest with ourselves, it is because we feel when things go wrong, we won't have to take up the responsibility of the failure and we can play the blame game. But God did not intend our lives to be led like this. The only one person that should determine the course of our lives is our Lord Jesus Christ. The opinion of everyone else falls short. This goes back to my previous sharing that as Christians, "The word of God is our sole source of faith and our absolute rule of conduct". (Ref: Day 12)
Jesus was never an idealist. He was a realist. He says things as they were and he never made assumptions or let people determine his position or who he is. This society can't stand realists. People who would go up to them and tell them that they way they are living is not right and tell/show them how life should be lived. It was the same in Jesus's day where Jesus told the Pharisees that their teachings and ways were wrong, they decided that they had to get rid of Jesus to maintain their little world of 'zen' and order. hehe. Not much has changed today, has it? We are so caught up in our little world that when someone or something comes to rock our world (Woo! MJ!), it is easier for us to quickly dismiss or get rid of whatever it is that is rocking our world rather than to check what foundation our 'world' is based on.
That is just one aspect of living in our ideal or perception. What about those ideals that we have created for ourselves? hmm? Starting to feel the thorn in your side, eh. hehe. Best illustration for this would be BGR! hahaha. Don't we believe we know who the BEST person is for us? I mean, we know ourselves best, and therefore we definitely know what we need or rather, who we need. Right... (sarcasm) hahaha. We believe that this 'person' would complete us, or fulfil all our needs. Ideal, huh? But reality is this: What do you think YOU can do that would fill the other person's needs or what makes YOU think YOU complete them? *Ouch!*
But, of course as your dear and nice Zone Sup (yay!), I can't just spot the problems we have and not at least help us realize which side of life we have been living. Here's how:
When we live in a world of ideals, we are always focusing on ourselves, and that is the perfect situation for pride and everything else to come in, especially for Satan to take a foothold in our life. When we live in a world of reality, your focus is on others. Simple. What can I do to meet their needs? How can I be a better person for him/her? What can I do to make life easier for them? What can I do to see his/her God-intended purposes fulfilled? =) Just a couple of questions to kick-start us into reality. God bless!
P.S I would love to have a conversation with anyone about this, as I was unable to go into much detail by simply putting up some thoughts on the blog. =)

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