Day 32: How Humility Handles Our Tendency To Compare

The very first thing that caught my attention was about being immersed in oneself. The get-yourself-to-heaven-recipe. Loathing very much to admit it, at times, we get too caught up with this whole let there be more fruits lifestyle.

Not gonna be place side by side with slowpokes, I drown my tree with the daily readings of God, with an overflow of prayer and tithed a lil more for extra growth, my tree is bound to be very much fruitful! c'mon tree, i command you to bear fruits!! maybe I should add a touch of fasting, that might be the magic.

but with nothing to do with my roots in Jesus, to be fruitful is somewhat a distinct dream come true. yet i yearn and i burn for that #1 most fruitful acknowledgment and i'll do all it takes. i'll uproot weeds around me, lil pwuuny slow growing plants. shooo!! don't take my sunshine!

i kept making sure no one would grow pass me but as much as i dislike the forces of nature, i have to realise that the once tiny plants around me are starting to ctach up and as i kept fighting to stay atop, to grow when my roots are cut from the Source, i grow weak and don't have the energy to push myself upwards.

i revert to my own zone while secretly still lusting for the top place. maybe, i'm not tithing enough, maybe i should increase my daily readings, maybe fasting a lil longer would help. i questioned myself as to how could they being as noob as they are be able to catch up with me when i have everything at the back of my head. am i missing something?

when all this time, it's my roots that had been cut off from the Source because my focus was wrong. i kept focusing on the fruits not knowing that it's the roots that matter most. i kept focusing on ho wmuch fruits i have to produce when i should be focusing on my roots drawing on the right resources. now if i were to get my roots in the right place, my fruits will grow!

and when my roots are in the right place, i will be humble! i will help those lil pwunny plants along the way. one thing that was really spoke to me. it's not how useful i can be to God, it' how much i'm allowing God to show forth His power through me. so even if i'm remain a tiny plant when my brothers and sisters are making their way to the top and all i see is their bottom, i believe i can make a difference! i shall make shelter for my fellow ants to shy away the sorching heat and gaints raindrops. with the little i have, i use it to the fullest. thus my ants friends will know that it's really because my roots are strong, that's why i can give shelter.

i'm sure that we not only compare ourselves to earthly standards but to 'holy' standards. why is God blessing him more when I prayed and fasted more. Why am i not having as many revelations? Why am do i still fail after countless of effort and immeasurable faith in Christ while the slackers gets away with it slacking!

It's time we stop comparing, stop focusing on how fruitful we should be but how our roots should be in the right place to absorbed all that God is, to allow His POWER to flow through us.

God Bless U

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