Day 35: The Daily Decision of Humility

Yeah~The cell leader appreciation was so great, but suling is transfer to YA, I even don’t have chance to have same cell with suling. Ok la~, I can go to YA cell with pass all units.
I just handed in two assignments! I only have one assignment left~ Praise God! Thank you God for powerful strength to encouraging me all the way! When I see content of assignment is so big that seem impossible to finish at one night. God is so gentleman; he doesn’t blame me that I left assignment so last minute. He just so encourage and believe that I can do it. That is exactly where peace comes from. Because I saw my classmate just gave up his assignment, all he has just worries and afraid. I think what he really need is not time, it is our God.
So I really want to encourage every sisters and brothers in Christ: Have a nice small talk with God before you start your study and exam to have peace and confident!

When I read this chapter, I want to share about the old jiali. When the old Jiali wasn’t a Christian, She always be a good student for teachers, a good daughter for parents, a good person for society and a good resident for recycle rubbish. =) But until she knows Jesus Christ, she just realized how arrogance and selfish she was. The reason I using “Third person” point of view. Because every time I look back my old time which I hadn’t met Jesus. I feel the old Jiali is so far away from me like ages ago. By God’s mercy, I realize I change so much just in these two years’ time with God’s love and forgiveness. Jesus just kindly pointed out the differences between “Act like loving” and “the Truly Loving”.

Same as Jesus pointed out the differences between “Act like Humility” and “Act with Humility”. I think the most difference is Heart for God, then automatic heart for his people as well. “Act like Humility” is like focusing on yourself. But “Act of humility” is to do with how you think about others and how you think about God. Without the heart, how do I accept other people’s opinion? Without the heart, how much free spaces do I left in my world for other people? Without the heart, how much percentages of you are welcoming God?

Self-focused conceit is equally destructive to relationship. From week 1, we all know that we need to place the highest value on relationships. So, one of high value on relationship we can add in, its humility. The way you talk to people, the way you act, the way you respond, the way you think of other people….all these are reflect what is your attitude to treat people. So can see the importance of humility for building up relationships? Just simply act with humility to shine God’s light~!

Humility is about respect each other, serve each other, to think of others as more important than yourself. When we compare other people with ourselves. Some people might think “I am better than this guy so much in result, why he can get scholarship, he just win at community service. then why I can’t? “Once people come out these questions. It proved how little understanding of humility we have. The true humility is we can’t tell what we good at, from God’s mighty. Then we decided say goodbye to old self, accept God be the only one in our life. When we keep up-holding God among our daily life, we won’t compare with other people anymore. Because our eyes keep focusing on God. Nothing else.
A servant might smarter than his master, but he still keeps his servant’s attitudes to serve his master. A humble servant always do the same for God’s children, no matter how arrogance, how selfish, how mean the children are, the humble servant still respect God’s children. Even treat God’s children as his master, his king. That’s what humility is: put our need last, put others’ need first.

And I really want to share about act with humility for our parents. As we learn so much from 40 days of love. Does anyone of us actually apply what we learn into action on our parents? I hope lots of us do, I hope every daughters and sons of God do, I hope every Christians do. I really hope that. Parents always act with patient, forgiveness, understanding and the most important- LOVE. When we keeping growing up, the world we see is getting bigger, but at same time, our parents getting older, their views or their habits are not updated. Then some of us might think our parents’ thoughts are so old. Sometimes, we just choose to ignore what parents say. Guys, can I just ask same thing what our parents do for us, do it for our parents with patient, humility and LOVE

Lots of LOVE

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